
They say every good story starts with a girl and that is how my story starts. I was an overweight Aussie party guy with a carefree attitude. My nickname was SACDOGG. I was a really loose cannon with every bad habit imaginable. 
I had my eye on a girl at university who had all the guys after her, because she was smoking hot, a real stunner. We had a couple of  brief chats and I thought she might have liked me for my personality, so one night at the university bar, after a couple of drinks, I worked up the courage to ask her out on a date. Little did I know that all my university mates, and the whole bar, were watching with great anticipation.
After a few rum and cokes and a couple of shots of tequila. I walked over and  stuttered  “aggghhhhhhhhh …… uuuuummmmmmmm, would you like to go out for… aghhhhhh a date sometime?”
She stared at me, shocked beyond belief, then stood and said to me “I WOULD NEVER DATE A USELESS FAT SH*T LIKE YOU !!!”
I’ll never forget that sinking feeling of being overwhelmed with embarrassment. I started to sweat – then my heart broke right there on the spot. I felt helpless and ashamed. But now I understand that everything happens for a reason! It was the wakeup call I needed. It may not have seemed like it at the time but it really was a blessing in disguise.
On the walk home I was broken and I walked past a newsagency to see a Mens fitness magazine billboard with a ripped guy standing on the beach smiling with a 6 pack. I said to myself one day that will be me. 
That experience was the beginning of changing my ways! I joined a gym the next day and started training. I wanted to prove to her wrong and to make sure that no one would ever speak to
me like that again. I was able to start changing my life and turning it around in a matter of years.

I went from a guy who was called a ‘useless fat sh*t’ to be being crowned 4 x Australia fitness model champion. 

6 years later after that life changing incident at the bar I was on my first magazine cover. I achieved my big scary audacious goal.  
Firstly it was not some fairy tale, it was real life, which has its up’s and downs, smiles and frowns. I made a shit load of mistake and had plenty of fuck ups !!! Many people have seen my rise from FAT to fitness model champion, from the outside, but they didn’t see what happened on the inside. I nearly didn’t make it. I went down the wrong road for a while. I had to battle with my addictive personality and self-destructive party lifestyle. Worst of all I had to crawl out of a deep dark hole of depression, but thankfully, I was able to beat it.
Whenever I tell that story someone usually asks, “Did you ever see that girl again?”
Yes, I did see her again. It was a beautiful Australian summer day and I was at an outdoor Music festival, my shirt was off and I was in very good shape with a 6 pack. I was wearing sunglasses and just standing with a few mates, waiting for the next music act when this girl said, “I think you’re hot can I get a photo?”
That experience was the 

I went from a guy who was called a ‘useless fat sh*t’ to be being crowned 4 x Australia fitness model champion. 

6 years later after that life changing incident at the bar I was on my first magazine cover. I achieved my big scary audacious goal.  
Firstly it was not some fairy tale, it was real life, which has its up’s and downs, smiles and frowns. I made a shit load of mistake and had plenty of fuck ups !!! Many people have seen my rise from FAT to fitness model champion, from the outside, but they didn’t see what happened on the inside. 
beginning of changing my ways! I joined a gym the next day and started training. I wanted to prove to her wrong and to make sure that no one would ever speak to
me like that again. I was able to start changing my life and turning it around in a matter of years.
I nearly didn’t make it. I went down the wrong road for a while. I had to battle with my addictive personality and self-destructive party lifestyle. Worst of all I had to crawl out of a deep dark hole of depression, but thankfully, I was able to beat it.
Whenever I tell that story someone usually asks, “Did you ever see that girl again?”
Yes, I did see her again. It was a beautiful Australian summer day and I was at an outdoor Music festival, my shirt was off and I was in very good shape with a 6 pack. I was wearing sunglasses and just standing with a few mates, waiting for the next music act when this girl said, “I think you’re hot can I get a photo?”
I looked around and realised who it was. She didn’t recognize me. Then I slowly pulled down the sunglasses and said, “Remember me?”
Her face was PRICELESS. She looked like she’d seen a ghost.
I grabbed the camera to take a photo and I said “Thank you for changing my life” Then I gave her a hug and proudly walked away with the biggest smile on my face. I had forgiven that girl and was forever grateful for her. 
We all come across people in our lives that will abuse us, hate us, hurt us or even disappoint us. Never regret meeting a single person in your journey. If they weren’t part of your destination, they were part of the way to get there.
I looked around and realised who it was. She didn’t recognize me. Then I slowly pulled down the sunglasses and said, “Remember me?”
Her face was PRICELESS. She looked like she’d seen a ghost.
I grabbed the camera to take a photo and I said “Thank you for changing my life” Then I gave her a hug and proudly walked away with the biggest smile on my face. I had forgiven that girl and was forever grateful for her. 
We all come across people in our lives that will abuse us, hate us, hurt us or even disappoint us. Never regret meeting a single person in your journey. If they weren’t part of your destination, they were part of the way to get there.

Charity Work

Double distance David Goggins challenge

This year Ben completed the Double distance David Goggins challenge running 13KM EVERY 4 HOURS for 48 hours to raise money for domestic violence awareness and victims.

Speak Up September

During the month of September, he ran an initiative called Speak Up September doing a murph workout everyday in September in honour of fallen commandos and raise funds to give support to their families.

The initiative also raised awareness around suicides in the defence force.

8 back ultra marathons in 8 days

Ben with his mate Brett Fargo ran 8 back to back ultra marathons 50KM in 8 states in just 8 days to help raise funds for people impacted by the floods. Raising $35k

Endurance Achievements

Ben ran more than 170km

Ben ran more than 150 laps - equatting - to 170km of the Bondi promenade alongside his girlfriend, Gabriela Sene, and team murph Bondi group members Eoghan Delaney and Rebecca Myers.

90 days murph workout

At the start of the year Ben did a murph workout in a 10kg weight vest every day for 90 days straight.

A murph workout is a 1.6km run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 air squats, 1.6km run.

World Record

In 2022, Ben set a world record for the marathon murph with his team murph Bondi. 21.1km run, 1200 pull ups, 2400 push ups, 3600 air squats, 21.1km run.

Fitness Achievements and Accomplishments

Ben was personal trainer of the year in 2018 and 2019 .

At 2018 World Beauty Fitness & Fashion (WBFF) Australian show Ben placed 1st and he was awarded the prestigious pro fitness model pro card.

At the 2014 Musclemania Australian championship ABSTACKER won 1st in Men’s physique and 1st place overall. As a result he was awarded the 1st ever prestigious Australian Men’s physique model pro card.

2013 1st Male Fitness Model Champion Asia Pacific

2013 1st Mr Model Australia at Musclemania

Education & Qualifications

  • University of Sydney – Bachelor of Economics & Social
  • Master Personal Trainer

  • Certificate level 3 & 4 in Personal Training
  • NLP certified

  • Advanced diploma in Weightloss counselling and nutrition

  • Advance diploma in Nutrition programming

  • Master trainer in Wim Hof breathing method

Magazine Covers & PR

  • ABSTACKER has landed 5 fitness model covers and appeared in 50 fitness magazines all around the world.
  • Ben has the opportunity to rock the stage and sharing his inspiring transformations all around the world. He has spoken to packed out arenas in LA and Miami motivating and speaking audiences of 5,000 people.

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