About Memberships
Delicious (Limited Edition)
Do you want to be a delicious human ?
Becoming a “delicious” human, in the metaphorical sense, involves developing qualities that make you attractive, interesting, and appealing to others. Essentially, it’s about cultivating positive traits and being authentic in your interactions with others.
This membership has the courses and a challenge for you to become the most delicious version of yourself.
5 mindset courses, 3 nutrition courses, 2 workout programs and the famous 69 day Goaldiggers challenge
access to private community forums

Do you want to be called a “WEAPON” ?
A weapon is a person characterized by their exceptional skills, growth mindset and determination to succeed in whatever they set out to accomplish.
A weapon is a leader, a protector and provider for themselves, family and community.
A weapon is fit, healthy and strong.
By completing this program you will learn positive psychology, increase your optimism levels, build your grit, regulate your emotions and learn from setbacks. You will become a weapon !!!
39 Online Courses + 3 Challenges
Access to private community forums
Monthly online webinar e-meet with Ben & other MUPD
VIP Savage
This is the ultimate transformation guaranteed program. It is only available for a select number of people who want to join in the inner circle of Ben’s savages.
You will be guaranteed to hit your health, fitness, wellness and life goals otherwise you get your money back.
This is for the people who want to take their life to the next level and have the greatest life ever !
Becoming a “Savage” with this program involves developing traits like fearlessness, rresilience, determination, and authenticity. It means being unapologetically true to oneself, boldly pursuing one’s goals, and standing up for what you believe in without compromising your values.
You will learn how to embrace challenges head-on, push boundaries, and refuse to be held back by societal norms or expectations.

We will channel this energy as an elite VIP savage team in a constructive and ethical manner by respecting others and striving to make a positive impact in the world.
39 Online Courses + 3 Challenges
Access to private community forums
Monthly online webinar e-meet with Ben & other MUPD Weapon/VIP Savage members
Monthly in-person workout meet with Ben & other VIP Savage members